Keratin Burned Hair: 5 Tips

Keratin Burned Hair: 5 Tips

The keratin treatments is one of the most popular hair straightening methods used by women around the world. They were loved for their ability to make hair smoother, shinier and straighter without having to use an iron every day. However, along with the many benefits come great risks. A common issue with keratin treatments is hair burning.

 This happens when the heat from the keratin treatment is too high, causing damage to the tufts of hair. Hair burning from keratin treatments it may be a nightmare, but it's not the end of the world. There are many ways to treat and prevent hair burn from treatments keratin. In this blog, we will discuss some tips to help you restore your hair to its healthy state.


  1. Pay attention to the temperature

One of the most important things to remember when doing keratin treatment is to pay attention to the temperature. If the temperature is too high, it can burn the hair. Make sure your stylist uses a temperature that is safe for your hair type and texture.


  1. Use a low heat setting on your hair dryer

After having a keratin treatment, it is important to use a low heat setting on your blow dryer. The high heat it can cause burn from the treatment and further damage your hair. Use a cool or warm setting instead.

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  1. Stay away from heat styling tools

Heat styling tools like straighteners and curling irons can damage your hair even without a keratin treatment. However, after a keratin treatment, they can cause hair burns and make the damage even worse. If you must use heat styling tools, use a low heat setting and avoid using them every day.


  1. Deep condition your hair regularly

After experiencing hair burn from a keratin treatment, your hair needs all the nourishment it can get. Deep conditioning treatments can help repair the damage caused by the treatment and prevent further damage. Use a deep conditioner at least once a week to keep your hair healthy and strong.


  1. Avoid chemical treatments

The chemicals treatments such as hair coloring and relaxers can be harsh on your hair. After experiencing burn from a keratin treatment, it is important to give your hair a break and avoid further chemical treatments.


In conclusion, Keratin Burned Hair can be a frustrating experience, but it's not the end of the world. Following these tips, you can help repair the damage caused by the treatment and prevent further damage. Remember to always pay attention to temperature, use low heat settings, avoid heat styling tools, deep condition your hair regularly and avoid chemical treatments. With a little patience and care, your hair will be back to its healthy state in no time.

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